December 15, 2011


Chia seeds. My daily morning drink and breakfast for those rushed mornings. FULL of omega-3, making it the richest plant source, with levels higher than flax seeds and salmon. It absorbs water about 10x its own weight and forms a unique gel which will make you feel very full after one glass. Chia seeds are also super packed with antioxidants and fiber and has six times more calcium than milk.  It's a huge energy boost and is apparently very popular among athletes and marathon runners with its high protein content. The best thing is is that this little superfood is only about 60 calories per tablespoon and I usually drink 2-3 tablespoons every morning and I don't feel hungry at all until the late afternoon. So this is a perfect morning solution to a late lunch break. I simply mix water first with 1 tablespoon of honey and add three tablespoons of organic chia seeds and let it sit in water with occasional stirring for about 10 minutes for the seeds to gel up. I looove crunching down on the lil seeds while I'm drinking it up.

You have no reason to not try this intensely nutritious and cheap superfood so give it a go and you can make your "chia fresca" even more interesting by adding lemon, lime, or citrus. And yes, these seeds produce the famous Obama Chia Pet.

(at Whole Foods or Amazon)

(by no means am I promoting this as a replacement meal. Only supplementary to a healthy, balanced diet :])

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